Purple Martians
Technical Code Descriptions
Level Array
Drawing the level
Drawing sequence in game loop
Get new background
Draw scaled level region to display
Scale factor
Each level is 100 x 100 tiles or 2000 x 2000 pixels.
The level array is a 100 x 100 array of integers, one for each tile in the level.
int mLevel.l[100][100];
Each integer is an index to the tile that is drawn at that position on the level. (see tiles and blocks)
Drawing the level
Two bitmaps are used, each the size of the entire level (2000x2000):
level_background = al_create_bitmap(2000,2000);
level_buffer = al_create_bitmap(2000,2000);
When a level is loaded, all 10,000 tiles are drawn to the level_background.
void init_level_background(void) // fill level_background with blocks and lift lines
for (int x=0; x<100; x++)
for (int y=0; y<100; y++)
al_draw_bitmap(tile[l[x][y]], x*20, y*20, 0);
Because of the time it takes to draw all 10,00 tiles, they are predrawn on the level_background and only redrawn if they have to be.
(For example, when the screen size is changed, or blocks change in the level).
This is the base background that is copied to level_buffer every frame and then drawn on.
Drawing sequence in game loop
This happens every frame.
void mwDrawSequence::draw(int setup_only)
// draw gate info
for (int p=0; p < NUM_PLAYERS; p++)
if ((mPlayer.syn[p].active) && (mPlayer.syn[p].marked_gate != -1))
// draw level stats
for (int i=0; i < 500; i++)
if ((mItem.item[i][0] == 10) && (!strncmp(mItem.pmsgtext[i], "Level Statistics", 16)))
mItem.draw_message(i, 0, 0, 0);
// draw purple coins directly on the screen, so they scale nicely
for (int c=0; c < 500; c++)
if ((mItem.item[c][0] == 2) && (mItem.item[c][6] == 3)) mItem.draw_purple_coin_screen_direct(c);
// draw players directly on the screen, so they scale nicely
for (int p=0; p < NUM_PLAYERS; p++)
if (mPlayer.syn[p].active) mPlayer.draw_player_direct_to_screen(p);
// do this so that that local player is always drawn on top
// draw npc crew directly on the screen, so they scale nicely
for (int e=0; e < 100; e++)
if (mEnemy.Ei[e][0] == 19) mEnemy.draw_crew_screen_direct(e);
- level_buffer is overwritten with a fresh copy of level_background by calling: 'get_new_background()'
- most objects are drawn on level_buffer (lifts, items, enemies, shots...)
- the visible region of level_buffer is scaled to the screen buffer by calling: 'mScreen.draw_scaled_level_region_to_display(0)'
- some objects are drawn directly to the screen buffer so they scale nicely
- the screen overlays are drawn on the screen buffer with 'draw_screen_overlay()'
- the screen buffer is swapped to the screen with 'al_flip_display()'
Get new background
void mwScreen::get_new_background(int full)
if (full) al_draw_bitmap(mBitmap.level_background, 0, 0, 0);
// this only grabs the visible region, in the interests of speed
int x = level_display_region_x - 20; if (x < 0) x = 0;
int y = level_display_region_y - 20; if (y < 0) y = 0;
int w = level_display_region_w + 40; if (x+w > 2000) w = 2000-x;
int h = level_display_region_h + 40; if (y+h > 2000) h = 2000-y;
al_draw_bitmap_region(mBitmap.level_background, x, y, w, h, x, y, 0);
Draw scaled level region to display
void mwScreen::draw_scaled_level_region_to_display(int type)
if (type != 3) set_level_display_region_xy();
int ldrx = level_display_region_x;
int ldry = level_display_region_y;
int ldrw = level_display_region_w;
int ldrh = level_display_region_h;
// draw the level region from level buffer to display
al_draw_scaled_bitmap(mBitmap.level_buffer, ldrx, ldry, ldrw, ldrh, screen_display_x, screen_display_y, screen_display_w, screen_display_h, 0);
// show viewport hysteresis rectangle
if ((viewport_show_hyst) && (viewport_mode != 0))
int col = 12;
int x_size = ldrw * viewport_x_div/2;
int y_size = ldrh * viewport_y_div/2;
float hx1 = mDisplay.SCREEN_W/2 - x_size * mDisplay.scale_factor_current;
float hx2 = mDisplay.SCREEN_W/2 + x_size * mDisplay.scale_factor_current;
float hy1 = mDisplay.SCREEN_H/2 - y_size * mDisplay.scale_factor_current;
float hy2 = mDisplay.SCREEN_H/2 + y_size * mDisplay.scale_factor_current;
al_draw_rectangle(hx1, hy1, hx2, hy2, mColor.pc[col], 0);
// if clamped by hyst region show line in different color
col = 10;
if (ldr_xmn_h) al_draw_line(hx1, hy1, hx1, hy2, mColor.pc[col], 1 );
if (ldr_xmx_h) al_draw_line(hx2, hy1, hx2, hy2, mColor.pc[col], 1 );
if (ldr_ymn_h) al_draw_line(hx1, hy1, hx2, hy1, mColor.pc[col], 1 );
if (ldr_ymx_h) al_draw_line(hx1, hy2, hx2, hy2, mColor.pc[col], 1 );
// if clamped by entire region show line in in different color and one pixel bigger
col = 14;
if (ldr_xmn_a) al_draw_line(hx1-1, hy1, hx1-1, hy2, mColor.pc[col], 1 );
if (ldr_xmx_a) al_draw_line(hx2+1, hy1, hx2+1, hy2, mColor.pc[col], 1 );
if (ldr_ymn_a) al_draw_line(hx1, hy1-1, hx2, hy1-1, mColor.pc[col], 1 );
if (ldr_ymx_a) al_draw_line(hx1, hy2+1, hx2, hy2+1, mColor.pc[col], 1 );
// in level editor mode, if the level is smaller than the screen edges, draw thin lines to show where it ends...
if (type == 3)
int c = mPlayer.syn[mPlayer.active_local_player].color;
int bw = BORDER_WIDTH;
int sbx = screen_display_x;
int sby = screen_display_y;
int sbw = mDisplay.SCREEN_W-bw*2; // recalc because these have been modified
int sbh = mDisplay.SCREEN_H-bw*2;
int xdraw = 0;
int ydraw = 0;
int xl=mDisplay.SCREEN_W-bw; // default screen edge positions
int yl=mDisplay.SCREEN_H-bw;
float sls = mDisplay.scale_factor_current * 2000; // sls = scaled level size
if (sls < sbw)
xl = sbx+sls;
xdraw = 1;
if (sls < sbh)
yl = sby+sls;
ydraw = 1;
if (xdraw) al_draw_line(xl, bw, xl, yl, mColor.pc[c], 0);
if (ydraw) al_draw_line(bw, yl, xl, yl, mColor.pc[c], 0);
void mwScreen::set_screen_display_variables(void)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// step 1 - determine x, y, width and height to draw on the screen
// if width or height is bigger than scaled level, clamp to that size
// also shift x and y to center, but only if not in level editor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// default place and size to draw on screen
int bw = BORDER_WIDTH;
screen_display_x = bw;
screen_display_y = bw;
screen_display_w = mDisplay.SCREEN_W-bw*2;
screen_display_h = mDisplay.SCREEN_H-bw*2;
float sls = mDisplay.scale_factor_current * 2000; // get the scaled size of the entire level
if (screen_display_w > sls) // is screen_display_w greater than entire level width?
float a = screen_display_w - sls; // how much greater?
screen_display_w = sls; // new screen_display_w = sls
if (!mLoop.level_editor_running) screen_display_x += a/2; // new screen_display_x draw xpos
if (screen_display_h > sls) // is screen_display_h greater than entire level height?
float a = screen_display_h - sls; // how much greater?
screen_display_h = sls; // new screen_display_h = sls
if (!mLoop.level_editor_running) screen_display_y += a/2; // new screen_display_y draw ypos
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// step 2 - now that we know the screen buffer width and height
// scale that to find out the size of the region to grab from level buffer
// clamp to not grab more than entire level
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
level_display_region_w = (float) screen_display_w / mDisplay.scale_factor_current;
level_display_region_h = (float) screen_display_h / mDisplay.scale_factor_current;
if (level_display_region_w > 2000) level_display_region_w = 2000;
if (level_display_region_h > 2000) level_display_region_h = 2000;
void mwScreen::set_level_display_region_xy(void)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// use active local player to find where to grab the region from level buffer
// sets:
// mDisplay.level_display_region_x
// mDisplay.level_display_region_y
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// shorter variable names
int p = mPlayer.active_local_player;
float px = mPlayer.syn[p].x + 10;
float py = mPlayer.syn[p].y + 10;
int w = level_display_region_w;
int h = level_display_region_h;
float pvx = mPlayer.syn[p].xinc;
float pvy = mPlayer.syn[p].yinc;
if (viewport_mode == 0) // this method always has the player in the middle of the screen
level_display_region_x = px - w/2 - 10;
level_display_region_y = py - h/2 - 10;
else // scroll hysteresis (a rectangle in the middle of the screen where there is no scroll)
// if this is active, dont do any others
if ((viewport_look_rocket) && (mPlayer.is_player_riding_rocket(p)))
level_display_region_x += mPlayer.syn[p].xinc * 1.8;
level_display_region_y += mPlayer.syn[p].yinc * 1.8;
if (viewport_look_player_motion)
float im = 0.05;
level_display_region_xinc += pvx * im;
level_display_region_yinc += pvy * im;
if (viewport_look_up_down)
float shift_speed = .5;
if (mPlayer.syn[p].up) level_display_region_yinc -= shift_speed;
if (mPlayer.syn[p].down) level_display_region_yinc += shift_speed;
if (viewport_look_player_facing_left_right)
float shift_speed = 0.2;
if (mPlayer.syn[p].left_right) level_display_region_xinc += shift_speed;
else level_display_region_xinc -= shift_speed;
// maximum incs
float mxi = 6;
if (level_display_region_xinc > mxi) level_display_region_xinc = mxi;
if (level_display_region_xinc < -mxi) level_display_region_xinc = -mxi;
float myi = 12;
if (pvy < -8) myi = abs(pvy) * 1.5;
if (level_display_region_yinc > myi) level_display_region_yinc = myi;
if (level_display_region_yinc < -myi) level_display_region_yinc = -myi;
// inc decays
if ((viewport_look_player_facing_left_right == 0) || (ldr_xmn_h) || (ldr_xmx_h))
if (pvx == 0) level_display_region_xinc *= 0.9; // decay when not moving
if ((level_display_region_xinc > 0) && (pvx < 0)) level_display_region_xinc *= 0.2; // decay faster when switching direction
if ((level_display_region_xinc < 0) && (pvx > 0)) level_display_region_xinc *= 0.2; // decay faster when switching direction
if (pvy == 0) level_display_region_yinc *= 0.9; // decay when not moving
if ((level_display_region_yinc > 0) && (pvy < 0)) level_display_region_yinc *= 0.2; // decay faster when switching direction
if ((level_display_region_yinc < 0) && (pvy > 0)) level_display_region_yinc *= 0.2; // decay faster when switching direction
// apply x and y increments
level_display_region_x += level_display_region_xinc;
level_display_region_y += level_display_region_yinc;
// get hyst variables
float x_size = w * viewport_x_div/2;
float y_size = h * viewport_y_div/2;
// adjust to hyst borders
float re = px - w/2 - x_size; // right edge
ldr_xmx_h = 0;
if (level_display_region_x <= re) // hit right edge (or equal to)
level_display_region_x = re; // clamp to max
ldr_xmx_h = 1;
float le = px - w/2 + x_size; // left edge
ldr_xmn_h = 0;
if (level_display_region_x >= le) // hit left edge (or equal to)
level_display_region_x = le; // clamp to min
ldr_xmn_h = 1;
float be = py - h/2 - y_size; // bottom edge
ldr_ymx_h = 0;
if (level_display_region_y <= be) // hit bottom edge (or equal to)
level_display_region_y = be; // clamp to max
ldr_ymx_h = 1;
float te = py - h/2 + y_size; // top edge
ldr_ymn_h = 0;
if (level_display_region_y >= te) // hit top edge (or equal to)
level_display_region_y = te; // clamp to min
ldr_ymn_h = 1;
// clamp to entire level borders (to ensure viewport region is not out of bounds)
ldr_xmn_a = 0;
if (level_display_region_x <= 0)
level_display_region_x = 0;
ldr_xmn_a = 1;
ldr_xmx_a = 0;
if (level_display_region_x >= 2000 - w)
level_display_region_x = 2000 - w;
ldr_xmx_a = 1;
ldr_ymn_a = 0;
if (level_display_region_y <= 0)
level_display_region_y = 0;
ldr_ymn_a = 1;
ldr_ymx_a = 0;
if (level_display_region_y >= 2000 - h)
level_display_region_y = 2000 - h;
ldr_ymx_a = 1;
Scale factor
Scale factor controls how much the of the level is shown on the screen.
At scale factor 1.00 everything is drawn at a 1:1 ratio.
At values more than 1.00 all of the level elements appear larger and less of the level is shown.
At values less than 1.00 all of the level elements appear smaller and more of the level is shown.
This only applies to the level view while the game is playing and in the level editor.
Menu's and screen overlays are not affected.
While the game is running, F5 decreases scale factor and F6 increases it.
Pressing F5 and F6 at the same time resets scale factor to 1.00.
These keys can be changed in 'Settings' -> 'Controls 2'.
These are the global variables used by this code:
float scale_factor; // the target scale_factor
float scale_factor_current; // the current scale_factor
float scale_factor_inc; // how fast the current scale_factor changes to meet the target scale_factor
int show_scale_factor; // used to briefly display the scale_factor on the screen overlay when it changes
This is how F5 and F6 change scale factor:
if (key[function_key_zoom_out][0]) mDisplay.set_scale_factor(mDisplay.scale_factor * .90, 0);
if (key[function_key_zoom_in][0]) mDisplay.set_scale_factor(mDisplay.scale_factor * 1.1, 0);
if ((key[function_key_zoom_out][0]) && (key[function_key_zoom_in][0])) mDisplay.set_scale_factor(1, 1);
This is how scale factor is set, bounds checked and saved to config file:
void mwDisplay::set_scale_factor(float new_scale_factor, int instant)
if ((scale_factor_holdoff <= 0) || (instant))
scale_factor = new_scale_factor;
scale_factor_holdoff = 10;
// enforce max and min
if (scale_factor < .2) scale_factor = .2;
if (scale_factor > 40) scale_factor = 40;
show_scale_factor = 80;
if (instant) scale_factor_current = scale_factor;
This is called once every game loop to make scale_factor_current gradually change to match scale_factor
void mwDisplay::proc_scale_factor_change(void)
if (show_scale_factor > 0) show_scale_factor--;
if (scale_factor_holdoff > 0) scale_factor_holdoff--;
if (scale_factor_current < scale_factor)
scale_factor_current *= (1.0 + scale_factor_mlt);
if (scale_factor_current > scale_factor) scale_factor_current = scale_factor; // if we overshoot set to exact to prevent oscillation
if (scale_factor_current > scale_factor)
scale_factor_current *= (1.0 - scale_factor_mlt);
if (scale_factor_current < scale_factor) scale_factor_current = scale_factor; // if we overshoot set to exact to prevent oscillation